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Support Charles “YammyBear” Jackson & family after a traumatic brain injury

Spring Valley, MN


Charles "Yammy Bear" Jackson was brutally attacked by a resident who was recently released from incarceration into the re-entry program/facility where he works. CJ should've bled out immediately when his attacker ran up and swung a metal bike tire pump at his head like he was hitting a baseball. The impact was likely between 80-120 mph. The back of his skull was crushed. That alone should've killed him. He lost consciousness for over 5 minutes. His head was lacerated and bleeding inside and out. He should've bled out but by God's grace and the fast response of two of his coworkers and another resident, he is alive today.  CJ had been taking blood thinners since his bone marrow transplant in January 2023 when The central line placed into his heart formed a large clot that broke off into his heart and many smaller pieces into his lungs and nearly killed him. The amount of force required to fracture the occipital bone into pieces is boggling. "The occipital bone is the thickest among the cranial bones. Fracture of the occipital bone requires a great amount of force, hence when the occipital is fractured the magnitude of the force is considerable and sufficient to cause death in the ordinary course of nature" ( MY HUSBAND IS A LIVING MIRACLE. BUT THE TRAUMA DIDN'T STOP AFTER HE WAS ATTACKED. He is struggling with his brain injury. Things don't always make sense, words don't always come, he's forgetting things, and his mood is dysregulated! SO PLEASE, pray for us. I have been traumatized and also absolutely surrounded by love all in the same situation. The people who love us poured into us, showed up for us, prayed for us, and showed us nothing but compassion has been astonishing.

Special Notes

If anyone wants to bring any groceries or a meal out for us to put in the fridge or freezer beyond what they can sign up for in the meal train please feel free! You can leave it on the bench by the front door and let us know it's there or please call or text 507-517-5403 or 507-350-5199 if no answer on either and don't feel comfortable leaving it outside please feel free to knock on the front living room window! The dogs will let us know you're here! our doorbell doesn't work so! (going to have to hire someone to install a doorbell ASAP) our address is 609 N broadway Spring Valley, MN 55975 If you're looking for ideas: He loves fresh fruit: all varieties of Pears and Plums, cut-up fruit : strawberries, kiwi, watermelon, and cantaloupe CJ loves cookout and "Sunday dinner" types of sides ie: beans, greens, sweet potatoes, cornbread.... all that jazz he also LOVES desserts: Banana pudding is his favorite followed by bundt cakes and other pies but literally anything lol

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