My beautiful neiece got the courage to leave her abusive spouse. She has two children ten and 17 both who have mental health conditions. Currently they're living in hotels/car and the axles on the car are going. Theyrr struggling with food and she's doing the best she can to find thema home with very limited income. They've had a difficult life from the start. My niece was a teenage mother and beat the odds and raised him to be a very great young man. Her second child passed away in 2009 and her third is her youngest whose been through something's. She got diagnosed with lead poisoning when she was three years old then she got hit by a car and a very bad car accident shortly after. That little girl has over come all odds. The three of them are super close and they need each other more then anything.
Special Notes
They dont eat pork . They aren't picky other wise.