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Supporting Barb's family while she heals

Redmond, WA


Following my successful cancer treatment last year in 2021, I have been looking for the right window of time to go back for some reconstructive surgery to repair some of the changes from the partial mastectomy and radiation. After physical therapy helped reduce some residual soreness and swelling from the earlier treatments, we now have a PLAN for surgery on November 1. Hooray! Great news: I am still healthy with "no evidence of disease." I had a CLEAR mammogram in May and another CLEAR follow up meeting with my oncology surgeon in early October. However, because of some persistent and increasing pain from arthritis in my hips this summer, I am going to have a "just in case" MRI on my low back to make sure there is nothing of concern. Hopefully, I will get some great diagnostic imaging that will help with the arthritis treatment. That procedure will be done on Halloween, October 31. Then the NEXT MORNING I will head in for the reconstruction surgery in Bellevue. It will be outpatient surgery, and Amador will be taking time off work that week to help me during the early days. I should be up (no lifting) by the end of the week and have my first post-op appointment November 9. We're updating this "Give in Kind" site to help with meals during the most challenging period of recovery November 1-12. There are some key milestones at two weeks / four weeks / six weeks post-surgery, and then I should be pretty well healed and back to normal. If you'd like to help out, a simple DoorDash gift card will be very appreciated. Or, if you are local and would like to drop something off, I added that option for some of the days too :) Would love to see you if I'm up. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Will let you know how the healing goes.

Special Notes

No allergies or special restrictions on food. Other than cilantro. I don't like cilantro :)

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