A journal for parents and children ages anywhere from four to ten to share the evolution of thoughts, feelings, and dreams over the years. This a great gift for kids trying to develop confidence in their writing as a result of different learning styles (dyslexia, ADHD). This journal is the perfect family keepsake. A question by children's author Betsy Franco is featured for each day with only a few lines provided for a response, making this journal the ultimate no-fuss record keeper. The diary can be started on any day of the year and makes a terrific keepsake or gift for parents.
Why We Love This Gift: We love this gift because as much as parents think they will remember the things their kids say, too much is forgotten. Or the source of the saying scrambled - who said what? This journal records these precious memories.
What To Express in Your Card: This is gonna get better and better. Send me a thank you note in 25 years when you find it and are dying laughing.