Danielle and Bryan Bauer are two of the most generous and kind people many of us are lucky to know. Now we have a chance to help them out while Danielle and Bryan are in Cleveland as Bryan undergoes heart surgery on May 2. This meal / food train is in place to help 'feed the troops' while the kids remain home and also to ease the burden when they are back in Wheaton. I know so many people want to help the Bauers, as they are always the first to help the community in so many ways, so here's one way to do so! Scroll the below calendar to find dates to sign-up for meals -- starting April 30 through May 14. Meals will be for five people - -the four Bauer kids and Paola their nanny.
Special Notes
Hudson is a picky eater -- will only eat bacon, Chik-fil-A nuggets (the regular ones), fries, plain chicken with NO seasoning (rotisserie chicken totally fine). He loves raspberries, strawberries, raw broccoli/cauliflower, and carrots. His other favorite is Nonno Carms cheese pizza Bennett, Alina, Cora will eat steak, chicken, shrimp, salmon. Cora LOVES a caesar salad (no meat). They would honestly eat anything. Kids also all love Tropical smoothie cafe (all get the Acai berry boost with no turbinado & add spinach/kale to it). Other ideas for breakfast- Hudson will eat pancakes/bacon (from anywhere or homemade), other kids pretty much do anything. For dessert they all like Crumbl cookies.
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