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Taking Care of Lauren and the Jensens

Seattle, WA


After her mastectomy, Lauren will be healing for a month, which means lots of rest and no lifting groceries/children/etc. So meal deliveries will be super helpful and appreciated! You're welcome to make something homemade, or send a DoorDash or Grubhub gift card or meal delivery. There are also some dates for child care; see Special Notes for all the details! Here's Lauren's blog:

Special Notes

MEALS INFO: -Drop off location is 2346 NW 96th St., Seattle WA -Suggested drop off window is 3-5pm. If you need to drop off outside this window, text Josh (206-930-1674). -Place meal in the cooler on the porch and text Josh once you have done so. -If you want to say hi or have a little visit, check in with them day of to see how their day is going and if they're up for it. -Allergies or dietary restrictions: No red meat please. -Favorite meals/restaurants: Plant based meals are best. Breakfast, lunch, dinner--any type of meal is welcome (note that the Care Calendar says dinner, but really any type of meal/food is fine). Another idea is a bag of kid-friendly snacks and/or easy to eat fruit/veggies. CHILD CARE INFO: Lauren & Josh welcome any help with kiddos! After Josh goes back to work (on May 4th), Lauren will be primary caregiver from 7:00am-6:00pm with limited upper body mobility. -On Mondays, Fridays and the weekend, we have the time set to 9-11am, but feel free to adjust to anything shorter or longer or a different time of day. We have plenty of toys and books but the kids always love having a new story read to them if you want to bring a book from your collection or the library to read. You're also welcome to take the children out for a walk, to the park, or anywhere else that sounds fun to you. You're also welcome to bring/involve other kids. -On Tuesdays, it will be Rhodes-only care needed from 11am to 2pm while the girls are at preschool.

Care Calendar