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Support the Macaluso/Owens Family



On December 11, 2023, Brandy's dad, Tony, went into the hospital to have surgery on his spine. It was a very invasive surgery that lasted 12.5 hours. Tony was expected to stay in the hospital for the recovery time followed by physical rehabilitation. Unfortunately, there have been some serious medical complications experienced during his journey to recovery and Tony has ended up in the ICU for the 3rd time, to be closely monitored. During his stay at the hospital, Brandy and her mom have been staying by his side and taking shifts at the hospital. Brandy lives 45 minutes away from the hospital and either commutes or has been staying in a hotel room to stay close by. This gift card train has been set up in hopes of helping alleviate some of the mental and financial stress for Brandy’s family and her mom during this difficult time. You can choose a gift card to contribute to or send monetary donations straight to Brandy to use as needed through Venmo. Anything contributed is greatly appreciated and will be so helpful. Thank you so much.
