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Hugs for Tug - Wishing Wellness for Winston.

Meridian, ID


Hugs for Tug - Wishing Wellness for Winston supports this dear boy and his family as they navigate life with a medically complicated child. He lives with Cerebral Palsy (CP), epilepsy, hydrocephalus, feeding and growth difficulties, and is legally blind and non-verbal. UPDATE: 12.27.23 Tug’s pump has been allowing Tug to make huge strides forward in mobility and overall health and independence. But it failed in December and he needs another surgery to fix or replace it. This surgery is still risky and no surgery is fun. But it should have a somewhat smoother recovery than the first one a little over a year ago. Original from late summer of 2022: Winston (aka Tug) has two types of cerebral palsy which keep him in a wheelchair. His spasticity, or tight muscles, had made it increasingly challenging for Tug to make his legs do what he wants them to do. His legs turn in so much that he trips himself as he strives to take even one step. On top of frustration, Tug’s spasticity also causes discomfort and pain and it is pulling his hips out of their sockets. There is a surgery available that can help! The surgery involves implanting a special medical device that holds a reservoir of a muscle relaxant called baclofen and distributes controlled amount of this medication all day and all night through a catheter into the spine. With the medication constantly flowing, Tug’s muscles wouldn’t get as tight every minute of every day. They’d loosen. With looser muscles, he’d have less pain, his hip joins could stay healthy, he’d have better circulation, AND this darling boy would learn to walk. Walking would allow Tug to go to any playground and explore the world in ways off limits to him now. This surgery could make Tug’s world so much bigger! Surgery and recovery take time. And it takes an extraordinary amount of energy and effort to care for any child as they recover from an invasive surgery. With Tug’s extra needs, this task will be unimaginably challenging for most people. Your help for Winston (Tug) and his family can help make this time a bit easier. Taking away some of the work with regard to meals would truly be a blessing.

Special Notes

Tug’s older brother has an egg allergy - so please no Mayo, custard, tuna salad, ranch dressing, etc. Baked goods are safe. Tug and mom have a sensitivity to beans - like pinto or black beans. Green beans are just fine. With regard to spicey foods - Dad is happy with anything and the other three do better with mild or less on the Hot scale. Please no sick visitors at this time as avoiding illnesses of all kinds is a top priority. Additional respiratory illness may delay surgery and increase risks. Fevers bring on seizures. Imagine the damage a seizure could cause to a person with a 3-4” abdominal incision and a catheter in their spine. The family welcomes any support you’d like to offer. Thank you for taking the time to visit this page and thank you in advance for all prayers and well-wishes.

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March 2025