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Brandon’s heart attack

Twin Lakes, WI


From Brandon’s words: Feeling very blessed to be writing this right now. Saturday/mon not feeling good. Constant pain thru out chest. Woke up 1am this morning, in tears and so much pain. I drove myself to the E.R. Upon admitted everything happened fast. To Burlington Aurora thank you for bringing me back love all you, to the flight for life crew, don't remember much but it was awesome in the chopper. St. Luke's team thank you for all you did.💗 Had a massive heartache and someone was looking out for me. 12% chance with widow maker. Life's precious. Be in hospital for 4/5 days, hopefully. Really does put into perspective.Gonna get MRI today hopefully then gram. See if damage and extent to heart🙏, I shouldn't even be writing this but I got blessed with a second chance💗 He and his family will continue to heal from this traumatic health issue. Any support would be appreciated! Worrying about “what’s for dinner” sucks when everyone is healthy. Clair and Brandon would love additional support to not worry about dinner if you’re willing/able to help.

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March 2025