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Meal Train for Katlyn & Jarron Johnson

Stuarts Draft, VA


Hello everyone! As most of you may know Katlyn was admitted to UVA hospital April 9th 2024. Katlyn had carpal tunnel surgery on March 25th and noticed a difference in her pain and when mentioning it to her surgeon at her post op appt she was unfortunately brushed off which has led to her spending her birthday week in pain and dealing with a nasty infection! She is unable to use her left hand at all and we thought once she was home it would be such a blessed to have a meal train set up for her to help make sure she eats and can be easier for her to access as well! I also have her Venmo attached as well if you feel inclined to send her anything ❤️ she will still be recovering for some time before she will be able to get back to photography🩷 we appreciate any and all help you are able to give!

Special Notes

Katlyn has asked for text messages only please and no visitors at this time 🩷 Food preferences: No ham please! She is not a huge fan of Pot pies or Shepherds pie If you would like to order her pizza she asks that it be made with LIGHT sauce please (: No peas or Brussel sprouts Thank you ❤️

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