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Support Caregiver Francesca

Hanover, VA


All my life I've been a caregiver, I truly believe it's my ministry. However, the last few years has tested me in ways that I still am not prepared for. My grandmother (Frances), who now lives with us, was diagnosed with terminal colon cancer and early stage dementia 3.5 years ago. Shortly thereafter, my husband, Calvin was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. Not everyday is great, some are downright difficult, but we're still blessed. Anyone that knows me, knows that I rarely ask for help. (Sorry, not sorry...) In fact, I avoid it in most cases, to avoid inconveniencing the next person. Somewhere along this journey, I realized I needed to keep my glass full in order to properly care for my loved ones. While I'm doing much better with self-care and replenishing my caregiver cup, I also know I really need support. And as things continue to progress, I will need the love and assistance I thrive on sharing with others, given to me and my family as we prepare for continued in-home care, hospice, and undoubtedly, transitions. Please keep my family in your continued prayers and don't let me always answer "no" when I'm offered assistance. I promise I'm trying to do better. Thank you in advance for supporting us in whatever way you find fit, we all truly appreciate it.

Special Notes

Visitors are welcome, I just ask that if you are feeling unwell or have experienced a recent exposure to a communicable disease, please refrain from visiting. Both my husband and grandmother are Type II diabetics, but at this stage in life are allowed to cheat a bit, within reason. They will never turn down chocolate candy.

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