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The Morroni Family Meal Train


My name is Stacey Stewart-Sweat and I live on Honey Jar Way here at the Forest at Black Bear. Yesterday my sweet neighbor John Morroni had to be taken by ambulance to McLeod hospital. While there they told is wife Kathy that they have ruled out a stroke and heart attack, but John would need further testing, they put John in a medically induced coma because he was combative and they needed to do more tests, however McLeod Hospital does not have the resources John needs to do more tests so, they are sending him to Richland Medical Center in Columbia South Carolina. Kathy is going down there to stay in a hotel to be with John while they do these test and I wanted to try to relieve the burden of meals for Kathy and her sister Monica while they are in Columbia, so I decided put together this website to start a meal train of gift cards to grubhub, doordash and fast food restaurants such as McDonalds, or Burger King to help them. If you are able to donate please consider doing so to help this sweet family. If not please add John and Kathy to your prayers. Thank you.

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