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The loss of Isla’s mom Jamee Savel

Chardon, OH


Past chemo treatments have reeked havoc on Jamee’s body causing her to have to get an NG tube placement for a couple days to help dilate her intestines after the surgeries she had over the last year. The scar tissue caused narrowing and twisting and now unfortunately Jamee will be going back in for another round of Chemo treatments starting Thursday August 31st 2023.

Special Notes

If anyone want to help with meals Isla likes pasta including Mac and cheese and lasagna and spaghetti. Veggies she likes broccoli and green beans and peas and carrots She loves veggie chili Chicken tenders Potatoes Tacos, quesadillas and burritos She loves breakfast for dinner so scrambled eggs and pancakes Anything with avocado and ranch *Jamee loves green tea. It’s sometimes all she can stomach after chemo she loves middle eastern food and she is vegetarian

Care Calendar

March 2025