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The Dyer Family

Easton, MD


The Dyer Family is grateful for your love and support during this difficult time. Please continue to keep the Dyer family in your thoughts and prayers. If you would like to make a meal, please consider making a freezable meal if possible. Meal gift cards and snacks are welcome too! Anything is truly appreciated. Also, a basket has been placed on the front porch for any cards, notes or words of encouragement you may have for the Dyer Family. The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace-Numbers 6:24-26. On behalf of the Dyer family, thank you for all your love, support and blessings.

Special Notes

There is a freezer located on the front porch. A sharpie and tape are on top of the freezer if you need to add any cooking instructions or information for your meal. If you would like your pan/tray returned, please put your name on the bottom.

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