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Helping Hands for Alexis

Fenton, MO


Hello friends & family! Thank you for reaching out to me & asking what you can do to help me. I appreciate you SO much. If you know me, you know I’ll tell you I’m fine. I will push through no matter what I face. This is my subtle way of showing you what I might need help with. I mainly made this page for the food calendar. I love how everyone can know what’s going on as far as help with food and rides. As of right now (week 5 of chemo) I can drive myself; and I found a program that will help me with 15 round trip rides too! So I will only use the calendar for meals, for now. I love home cooked meals. Please don’t feel the need to buy anything in order to help. I picked days where I feel the weakest, so those days would help the most. But honestly, any day that is good for you, is good for me! Backstory: My family has a history of cancer. A history of reoccurrence. A history of all types of cancers. I was trying to be proactive & went to see a surgeon about genetic testing for the gene we carry. That day, a Monday, they felt a lump and sent me off for emergency testing. I had my first mammogram and chest ultrasound. That Friday I had 3 biopsies. The following Tuesday I had the results back. 1 of the 3 biopsies came back cancerous. They started to create a treatment plan for me before knowing the results of my genetic testing. Of which they suspected to be triple negative because of my age and history. They were right. My cancer is breast cancer stage 2, grade 3, triple negative. After my long 6 month journey of chemo ahead of me, I’ll need a double mastectomy. I’m sure there’s more I may have left out, but right now I’m in the hair loss stage and that is where my focus is. Preston has 3 weeks left of summer break and has been going to day care. If anyone is doing anything special or fun during the day, PLEASE LET ME KNOW SO HE CAN GO WITH YOU. It would mean the world to me and him. I can't take him anywhere and it breaks my heart. It's not because of work either. I am just immobile and its heart crushing.

Special Notes

I may be slow on responding to texts & calls so please text Jamie or Lalia if you need an immediate reply to something.

Care Calendar