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We ❤️ the Hicks!


We want to shower the Hicks family with love and support as they navigate the coming months of chemo and surgery! What better way than to give them a gift card to help them with dinner, groceries, and household goods! Here are gift card sites that would be helpful. I will update list if/when more options are available. Click on the calendar and “I’ll help” to claim that spot. The gift cards can be purchased from the individual links below. We would love to have several days claimed each week. You can email gift cards to Anna! [email protected] DoorDash Chick-fil-A Walmart Target Chicken Salad Chick Publix Ashley Mac’s (Hoover) General Gift Card:

Special Notes

Click on a day to send a meal gift card or general/household gift card. They live in Hoover, AL and would appreciate cards from the sites listed above (the giftya site allows them to switch if they prefer a different card so that is great option if you are on the fence about what card to get 😊) Choose a gift card by clicking one of the links listed above . To complete the purchase-Make sure you put Anna’s email address as recipient: [email protected]

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