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Supporting the Bratchers

Seattle, WA


It is with a very heavy heart and great sadness we share the news that Luz and Cole Bratcher lost their baby yesterday evening. Beatrix Mercia Tesoro Bratcher was stillborn via c-section at Swedish Hospital in Issaquah. We are devastated by this loss but our hope for her is certain. We take comfort knowing Beatrix's soul rests in the gracious light of Jesus' presence and he will one day raise up her precious body to be like his glorious body. As Cole still undergoes surgery to remove the cancer recently found, the Bratcher family is in need of significant care as they both recover and process this incredible loss. If you would like to either provide a meal or provide an act of service, please sign up below. Your prayers remain an ongoing gift as we trust Christ to be near to their broken hearts.

Special Notes

If you would like to visit the Bratchers please reach out to them in advance at 206-240-8172 (Cole), 480-495-8638 (Luz). Allergies: They are both allergic to anything made out of cow milk (butter, sour cream, etc), but goat, sheep, and plant-based (no soy) are great.

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