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Penny's Palliate

Bellingham, WA


Hello everyone. Shayne and I have had lots of people asking us, how they can help us out lately. I feel truly blessed that my cancer was caught early on. So far it looks like I will not need chemo or radiation treatment. So Mastectomy it is. At this point it is going to be surgery, recovering from surgery, then surgery again. Luckilly Shayne's angiogram turned out with positive results. Another blessing. I have left all options available on the app merely becuase I want YOU to help in a way that works best for YOU. We both are very appreciative for you love and kindness. Thank you.

Special Notes

I am now able to respond to text messages and such. You can contact myself or Shayne as needed. Please text before coming over. We have to be able to let you into the condo. Thank you all soooo much!

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