My spunky, energetic, little ninja warrior nephew Gabriel was recently diagnosed with leukemia. As you can imagine this has completely taken our entire family by surprise. My sister and brother in law live in Chapel Hill, with the closest family being 2+ hours away from them. This makes this situation even harder for them as Gabriel will be at home for some time while he is receiving his treatments. Life is going to look very different for all of them moving forward which comes with a lot of unknowns, as Jimmy and Amber both have full time jobs. We are extremely grateful for the amazing oncology team he has at UNC Chapel Hill Children’s Hospital. If you feel led in your heart to help them every little bit counts. We appreciate all the love and support from family and friends, but most importantly all the outpouring prayers for our little dude. We have full faith that this too shall pass and soon will be a thing of our past and Gabriel will be back to competing in his Ninja competitions!