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Meal Train for Jessica and Jason

Girard, OH


Hey everyone!! Jessica and Jason are about to have their first child and it can be so difficult to have the energy to make dinner with a newborn. This is a page to help support them in providing them with dinners for a couple months after the baby is born. DONT LIKE COOKING YOURSELF, NO WORRIES! I have added Doordash gift card, along with some other favorites so you can give a giftcard if you'd prefer, and they can have it delivered to their home instead. Either way is super helpful and appreciated. Thank you!

Special Notes

Just a couple special requests, please no food with mushrooms, any seafood, and NO MEAT ON FRIDAYS. Also, as a nice bonus, don't forget to maybe include breakfast snacks for the following morning, examples: muffins, bagels, fruit salad, frozen breakfast burritos, oatmeal cups, etc. Please keep in mind, if the food is frozen or needs to go in the oven, bring the dish a little earlier for cooking time. For example, a frozen lasagna that needs cook time of 1 hr, deliver it around 4-430ish to be ready to eat before 6pm. If you deliver a meal, just leave food on the front porch and txt Jessica to let them know when the food has arrived. Please no knocking, dogs may bark and wake baby boy :) Thanks!

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