On May 28, 2021 Katie Hickey gave birth to her beautiful twin babies at only 26 weeks. Ryan Jacob is 2lbs 4oz and Fiona Gaynelle is 2lbs 9oz. Both babies have a long road ahead of them so Barry and Katie will be spending the next 3-4 months going back and forth to the NICU to be with them. They also have a son, Ethan, who is 7 years old. Barry works as a paramedic for CFD & still has to work at this time to support his family. Barry and Katie have received a tremendous outpouring of love and support from family/friends who want to help so I figured setting up this page would be the best way for those of us that would like to support them. Assistance with meals and groceries would be very much appreciated and can be scheduled for a specific date/time below in the calendar. Or you can purchase a gift card so they can make purchases as they need to from the places listed below in the Wishlist or from their favorite places to eat.
Special Notes
Barry is allergic to seafood. Please keep food simple. Food ideas are lasagna, chicken parm, pasta, tacos, enchiladas, chili, soups, and salads. Below are restaurants nearby that the family can order from. Barraco’s Pizza La Fiesta Pop’s beef Fox’s Horse Thief Hollow Milano’s Bacon and Jam Cooper’s Hawk Portillo’s Joseph’s Restaurant Jimmy John’s