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Shai’s New Knee, Meal Train

Sarasota, FL


Hey everyone! If you're coming across this page you probably somehow have crossed paths with Shannon Fortner (Shai) before. Good news - Our wonderful community leader has finally been approved for knee replacement. Shannon’s knee replacement will substantially improve their quality of life and finally allow them to move about freely. Where YOU come in - They have been on crutches for 3 years awaiting knee replacement and have recently been approved for surgery. The date of the surgery will be June 9, 2023. This meal train/ donations will allow, Shannon to have healthy and accessible meals during their healing and recovery. Shannon Fortner has contributed as a community leader in the Sarasota community for over 13 years! They are the Founder and Executive Director of Fabulous Arts Foundation (previously known as Harvey Milk Festival), a volunteer-based arts and advocacy organization whose focus is to uplift the LGBTQ+ community. Shannon is an active voice in the community as an advocate, speaker, and genuinely self-less human. Shannon has never wished to ask for help regarding this, however, we have come together as a community to assist Shannon in their recovery so they may get back to helping the community and doing the things they enjoy.

Special Notes

Dietary restrictions- no pork or red meat. Chicken, turkey and fish are ok.

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