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Julie Nelson's kidney surgery & recovery


Julie has had a difficult health journey these last few years and just when her cancer struggles are resolving, she is now facing a surgery to remove her kidney. In the past her friends and family have come together to support her and Danny with visits, rides and meals, but since their move to Arkansas, those things are not possible so I have created this page with alternate ways to support them. As we are in very rural area, the hospital is 3 hours away from their home. They will need to stay overnight before the surgery and Danny will be traveling back and forth. Danny will also miss time from work without pay. Any help or contribution will be very much appreciated. Here is a personal update from Julie about her health: Hi everyone, here's an update on my health. On August 16th, 2019, when I was diagnosed with cancer, a difficult, long and complex health journey began for me. I went through aggressive radiation and chemo therapy that both came with major complications. I was hospitalized so much & I've been to the ER so many times in 4 years, I've lost count. I was diagnosed with Neutropenia and Radiation Tissue Damage. I endured two major surgeries- one in August 2020 and one just 6 months later in Feb 2021. I had 14 months of Physical Therapy following these surgeries. I sometimes feel like these past years have been a constant battle for me to just get healthy again. The anxiety about my health is overwhelming! When Danny and I moved across the country in November 2021, we thought it would be good to make a fresh start and we believed that my health would improve- for a short time, I did seem to be a little better. I continue to suffer pain from the radiation damage and my immune system is not always good. I have regular scans to detect any possible metastasis of my cancer and they have been clear. That is something to be thankful for. In August 2022, I went in for a procedure to have a kidney stone removed and it turned out to be very problematic. Coming out of the procedure, I learned that the stone had been embedded into the wall of my kidney and they would want to keep an eye on the kidney for several months, the concern was that the damage would be permanent and the kidney would underperform. I began to suffer from pain and fatigue and was soon diagnosed with Hydronephrosis. I had stents placed twice, regular scans of the kidney but it continued to get worse. It was determined that I had excessive scar tissue and radiation damage to the kidney. I was sent to UAMS- Arkansas University Hospital to see a specialist and it has been determined now that the kidney is only functioning at 6%, they consider that -functionally dead. My other kidney is working well. Something else to be thankful for. On July 25th, 2023- I will be having surgery to have the kidney removed. I'm very anxious. The hospital is 3 hours from home. Please pray for me on July 25th that the surgery goes well and that my recovery goes well in the following weeks! Updated: I was diagnosed with an infection on July 21st & I wasn't cleared to have the surgery on July 25th. It's been a rough month and was a hard setback for me. My new surgery date in Thursday September 7th. Please send prayers & all your good intentions that this surgery could be the end of this long and ardous health journey for me. Thank you. Julie
