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Team Julie Bean

Chicago, IL


Thank you, friends and family, for your incredible support on my journey to conquer breast cancer. I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer in early February, and will be undergoing chemo, surgery, and radiation. I know I can do hard things because I have an army of people supporting me! My biggest concern is Andy and Jojo, so any help you can give to them is helping me immensely. Thank you THANK YOU for being there for us.

Special Notes

For meals: Julie doesn't eat red meat (beef or pork) but loves turkey, chicken, fish and veggie dishes. No sushi or undercooked meat 😩. The kids will eat anything that isn't too spicy, and no mushrooms. We like fresh veggies more than cooked (particularly cucumbers!), especially when paired with noodles, gyoza/dumplings, or soup.

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