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Supporting Jack and Pat during his fall recovery

High Point, NC


On 12/31/22, Jack fell down five stairs, hit a landing, and fell down a couple more stairs. He fractured his pelvis and shoulder (arm) and is currently recovering in the hospital before starting in-patient rehabilitation on the journey home. Pat has been with him daily in the hospital ensuring he is receiving the best care. She has been supported daily by Patti as well. They also need our help to get through this difficult time, and we would like to thank those who have assisted already, as well as those who will in the future. Thank you for your prayers, advice, food, rides, and other support. ~ Susie

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March 2025

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Johnny Dalisay
So sorry to hear about Jack's fall and injuries. Praying for his quick recovery. God is our healer and we will be praying for him and Pat as she takes care of him. His grace is sufficient for both of you. We love you.
Gail Haan
That a boy Jack, you can do it. Baby steps can still get you where you are going.
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Gail Haan
Our hearts and prayers are with you both. You know that we do understand and how necessary support is to hold your arms up. Like Ginny, how can we help in a practical way? Do you feel our hugs from NJ. Vince and Gail
Patricia Benzenhafer Just keep up the prayers please
Susan Benston There are gift cards that can be sent or, once Jack comes home, there may be meals to bring on the calendar. For now everyone is set for meals.
S g Klaus What is the best gift card Susan Benston ?
Emily Frost
Keep on keeping on. Slow but steady wins the race. Praying for you all. You are on our hearts and minds many time during the day.
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Ginny Helm
Thank you, thank you for this sight! It answers the question all of us are asking, “I’m praying but what practical thing can I do to help ?”
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Patricia Benzenhafer Thanks for all your love and caring