Let's all rally around and support Rhonda as she fights against Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Stay tuned for opportunities to provide food, care baskets, messages, and anything else to cheer her on in this journey.
Special Notes
Mediterranean food preferred. Other ideas include smoothies, salad, plant-based protein bowls and meals for Rhonda's mom and/or dad. It is critical that all fruits and veggies must be washed. No raw fish and please use organic products only. Food List - Plant Based Whole grain (quinoa, farro, whole wheat berries, barley, flaxseed) Garlic Mushrooms Crucifers (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussels sprouts) Tomatoes Dark green leafy vegetables (kale, spinach, chard, arugula) Onions Asparagus Avacado Apples Berries (blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries) Tree nuts, especially raw Unsaturated fats Black coffee Black and green tea No need to avoid soy based food white peaches kiwi broccoli sprouts fish and seafood (wild caught only, no salmon) Organic occasional chicken eggs (only 4 per week) avocado oil olive oil Organic garbanzo beans and organic black beans ** No coconut oil She can have red meat 3-4 ounces 2x a week She is purchasing all her protein from a local organic farm.