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Dinners for Deb

Oxford, ME


Deb is an amazing woman and friend who is so kind and giving! She is always giving back to others as well as to the community. When she found out that I was creating a team to raise money for the Dempsey Center, she was one of the first people to sign up and did an amazing job fundraising! On Sunday, September 25th Deb cycled 25 miles at the Dempsey Challenge and actually beat her 25 mile record by quite a few minutes! Unfortunately, after she finished the ride and was leaving the chute she attempted to unclip from the pedals but her shoes were stuck and would not unclip. She ended up taking a pretty nasty fall and in the process she fractured her hip (the femoral neck). Deb required surgery and will have to be non-weight bearing on that leg for at least 6 weeks. As many of you all know, Deb is not one to ask for help (she'd rather be helping others), but she could really use some assistance over the next few weeks. Specifically with meals and some light housekeeping. She has a microwave so dinners would be the best option as she can reheat them in the microwave and also have leftovers for lunch etc.

Special Notes

Deb has some dietary restrictions to be mindful of as she has to watch her sugar levels so please try not to provide too many carbs or sweets. She has no allergies per se but has informed me that she does not like beets.

Care Calendar

March 2025