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Support for the Galluppi family

Waretown, NJ


Shannon is an amazing mom, friend, & teacher whose son was in a serious accident. While Shannon, her husband, and family care for Brody as his long recovery begins, we'd like to send meals to help ease their daily responsibilities so they can focus on taking care of him.

Special Notes

Please leave food on the porch. Address is 36 Pennsylvania Ave, Waretown, NJ 08758 Favorite foods: Baked ziti Lasagna Chicken tacos & white rice Chicken fajitas & white rice Salads Fruit Places they enjoy ordering from: Pies on 9 Tacotastic Chick fil A German Butcher *If you'd like to give a gift card for meals but cannot drop it off, you can give it to Maria Reilly or Megan Snover and we will make sure to get to her.

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