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Kristen Kenny's Meal Train

Hanover, MA


Hi All, I don't think Kristen has shared broadly that she is having surgery on October 18th. I would love to help Kristen, as I know she has helped so many in similar situations, with a meal train. Kristen would NEVER ask for help or want a fuss made but that is why I have taken it upon myself, as her assistant, to try to coordinate this for her. I know how meals would be greatly appreciated during her recovery period and ensure she can stress less and focus more on her healing. Thank you for being part of Kristen's crew! Maura Dudas [Assistant to Kristen Kenny]

Special Notes

Some suggestions for The Kenny's Meal Ideas for 2-4 people: • Pasta and meatballs • Chicken wings and salad • Precooked Roasted Chicken with sides. • Soups/Salad from Panera (Kinsley likes the grill cheese) • Pizza/Salad • Mac and Cheese • Chinese • Gift Cards for Uber Eats or DoorDash Duration: Oct 19 - Nov. 16

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