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Jeff's Liver Transplant

Kettering, OH


Hey Everyone, So about five years ago I took a routine blood test. On my way to the office from the clinic I got a phone call from Kettering Health. They said they wanted me to get an ultrasound. I thought, Ok, no problem. She then asked if I could come in for it that afternoon. I shuddered for a moment and she said the next morning would be OK if I couldn't make it in that afternoon. I told her I should be able to make it the next morning. They had found that my platelets were quite low so they wanted to check the size of my spleen. They found it very enlarged so I got more scans and a lot more blood work from my new hematologist. After some time they determined that I had Non Alcoholic Cirrhosis of the Liver. This diagnosis explained some other symptoms I had been experiencing for a couple of years. One of those symptoms was a fluid buildup on my abdomen and lung that totaled a little over four liters. I began regularly seeing a few more doctors with different specialties. Over time my blood numbers kept getting worse. I could no longer have any outpatient procedures done at a doctors clinic, everything had to be done at Kettering Hospital just in case something went wrong. I was having EGDs preformed every three months which was an all day hospital visit. I had several visits to the ER and a couple of stays in the hospital for various symptoms. Eventually Kettering would not preform any procedures on me that were not critical, I had to go to the University of Cincinnati for routine things. About nine months ago I was referred to the transplant team at UC. I met with 10 doctors and specialists there and had a bunch of tests. They determined that I did not need a transplant at that time and we would check again in a few months. I went back about six months ago and they said it was time to begin my workup so I could be placed on the list. I was really surprised by this answer, I was feeling relatively good at the time but Amy and I trusted the docs. After and unbelievable number of tests I was approved to be listed in late February. Since my case is not super urgent, Amy and I decided to be placed on the list as "inactive" and go "active" on May 15th. This should mean that the bulk of my recovery time will happen while she is on summer break from work. Here is what the timeline might look like if my transplant goes normally: - We will go active may 15th. - The average wait time for a liver with UC is two weeks (yes just two weeks). - Once we get the call that we have one available we should have at least a couple of hours to get to the hospital. - The operation will take 5 to 12 hours. - After surgery we should be in the ICU for 2-3 days. - We then move to the transplant center for 8 days on average. But could be anywhere from 5 to 90 days. - Once released, Jeff will need 24 hours care for 4 to 6 weeks - We will go to Cincy every Tuesday for checkup for the next several months, along with blood work twice a week - Ok to drive in 8 weeks - Back to work in 6 months Well I guess that is my basic story. Thank you so much for taking the time to read it. We would really appreciate your prayers over the next several months. This page will be our primary means of passing information along to everyone. If you would like to receive updates on my progress please be sure to register with your email. You will get an email every time we post an update. Then feel free to text/call Amy or myself. This will really help Amy out so she does not have to send out a large number of texts every time my status changes. Thank You All, your support means the world to me. Jeff

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