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Meals, Visits & Help for Diane Blasch

Cincinnati, OH


8/10/2024 Diane Blasch had full abdominal surgery on July 17 for cancer. She had complications that kept her in the hospital for 10 days. Diane stayed with her sister for 2 weeks and is now able to go home, but she can still use a lot of help. She won't be allowed to drive until 8/28/2024. Diane also can't lift more than 10 lbs until then. Diane will have chemo treatments about every 3 weeks through December or January. Her treatments will start on Tuesday August 20. Her needs: Through 8/28 Diane will need occasional meals or grocery shopping. She will also need occasional rides (e.g. haircut, driver's license, wig shopping). From now through December or January, visits would be greatly appreciated. Once her chemo starts it will be especially important for Diane to avoid germs. Visiting with her on her patio or inside with masks would be wonderful. Thanks in advance for all your help!

Special Notes

Diane is still easing into eating regular meals. Lower fiber and and non-spicy food is needed for now.

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