If anyone knows my mom, she is one to always help and step into the gap where help is needed. She has been caring for Steve as he battles his own cancer journey, and now it’s her turn to be loved on and taken care of. On Thursday, September 12th, Lynn is going to be having a mastectomy and will be needing all of the love and support that she can get. Let’s rally around Lynn (and Steve) and let them know how much they are loved. Right now we want to make sure they are well fed (and caffeinated) and we will update this page if other needs come up. Thank you for showing up for them in this hard season.
Special Notes
Feel free to text Nicole with any questions at 760-484-0129. Lynn detests onions and loves healing, comfort food. She loves good coffee and will soak up any encouragement you want to send her way. If you are out of town and would like to send gift cards for meals, that is great too!
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