Adventure Bags A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization Providing Security & Comfort for Children in Need Our Why ~ Through The Eyes Of A Child Imagine it is 2 o’clock in the morning, you are sound asleep and before you know it, the unimaginable happens. You have to leave, right now. You are in your pajamas and all you have time to grab is the closest thing to you. What would you do? What would you take? Would it be your clothes, your toothbrush, toothpaste, or maybe your favorite stuffed animal? Every day across the nation, children are displaced for one reason or another; a fire in the home, a legal situation, a horrible accident, or worse. Georgia’s children face these situations far too often leaving all that is familiar behind them. Agencies across the state are faced with the difficult task of protecting children. However, they are armed with nothing to help these children feel at ease at possibly the very worst moment in their lives. ADVENTURE BAGS is a way to give children going through such traumatic events (in their lives), something to call their own, something to keep wherever they go. Our goal is for each affected child (experiencing such events) to be given an ADVENTURE BAG. We do this by partnering with various agencies such as the Department of Family and Children’s Services (DFCS), domestic violence shelters, fire departments, law enforcement agencies, homeless shelters, and other organizations that serve Georgia’s most vulnerable children.
Special Notes
Most needed items: -Blankets -Activity Books (Word Find, Crossword Puzzles) -Small Toys/Card Games (Playing Cards, Hot Wheels, Brain Teasers) -Adult/Children's Coloring Books -Composition Notebooks/Journals