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Meals for Mike and Family

Bismarck, ND


Some of you may know, and some of you may not… Mike started to have some abdominal pain the past months. Fortunately, his PCP took it to the next level for imaging and sent him for a CT in January. The next day he was scheduled for a follow up with contrast due to a mass found in his abdomen which was indicative of Urachal Adenocarcinoma. He had his initial urology appointment within days of his CT and has been set up for a tumor removal, along with a portion of his bladder, and adjacent lymph nodes. He is scheduled for surgery on the 20th… 2 days before Emily’s 38th birthday. Urachal Adenocarcinoma is a super rare form of cancer that grows on the urachus (the tendon that connects the bladder to the umbilicus). This surgery is know to have a long difficult recovery. In order to help them out for these upcoming weeks I decided to start a meal train so that they have one less thing…. Or I guess something… on their plate. When I asked Mike if he was ok if I set up a meal train he stated “I’ve had Emilys cooking before. I’m ok with a meal train” HAHA. Note:Mike does a majority of the cooking ;) Note: They have requested if you choose a date, please deliver the meal to the door step so that they do not need to plan to be immediately available, or host, during this time.

Special Notes

No allergies or food restrictions. Emily doesn’t like onions, and the kids like kid foods. The kids are easier to feed, so if it isn’t kid friendly, they are happy with PBand Js. We’re mostly looking to keeping Mike and Emily fed, and not living off of chicken nuggets.

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