Melina was recently diagnosed with a rare nerve disorder (trigeminal neuralgia), this is ranked in the top 5 most painful diseases. As you can imagine, this is not only difficult physically, but also financially with the out of pocket costs that have taken a toll on their savings. Joel has taken on the role of caretaker while also working full time. All this is happening at a time when this young couple should be enjoying being newlyweds! Meals or meal delivery gift cards are appreciated so that Melina and Joel don’t have to worry about cooking or the financial burden of purchasing food.
Special Notes
Melina tries to eat as “clean” as possible, no dairy or gluten (allergies). If dropping off a meal(s), Melina can accept drop-offs between 5:00-7:00PM. Just text her when you arrive and she will meet you at the door. They would also appreciate gift cards for meal deliveries.