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Supporting Cody while he battles cancer

East Peoria, IL


Cody was diagnosed with testicular cancer in March 2023. It was a whirlwind with a diagnosis and surgery all happening within a week. At that time, the doctor recommended 'monitoring' for spread. When Cody returned for his 3 month check, they found some concerning results that indicated that indeed the cancer has spread. Cody will start chemo on October 2nd, 2023. The doctor anticipates that Cody will have all the typical chemo side effects (nausea, fatigue, etc). His chemo regimen will be 9 weeks total. One week of chemo every day, then 2 weeks of 1x a week. Then the regimen starts again. Cody is hard working, loyal and an amazing husband and daddy to 2 year old Arthur. During his treatments, it's likely Cody won't be working full time. Sammy will continue to work during this time while taking care of Cody. They are blessed with an amazing nanny and family who will take care of Artie's needs. A lot of friends and family have been asking how they can help. Cody, Sammy and Artie will all need help during this time, although we know they won't ask for it. Not having to worry about meals, groceries, housekeeping, etc will let them focus on Cody healing. This page has all the options for helping them during this difficult time. click on Calendar (starting in October) and you can pick a day for meal delivery, meal drop off or gift card. You can also buy gift cards for stores, restaurants or donate to their Venmo. Thank you for supporting this young family as they fight a fight that nobody should ever have to!!

Special Notes

Favorite Restaurants: Subway Chic Fil A BWW Olive Garden Texas Roadhouse Casey's (pizza) Chilli's Avanti's Starbucks Stores: Aldi Walmart Favorite Foods: Chicken Breakfast foods Pizza Pasta Salads with Caesar or ranch dressing (with or without chicken) Fruit (Artie LOVES all fruit)

Care Calendar

March 2025

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Grace Mabry
Thinking of you both and that little sweetheart of yours! Cody, you’ve got this…and Sammy, so do you. Happy that you have each other and your strong family to lean on. Love you!
1 comment
Samantha Smock Thank you so much Grace! We love you ♥️
Alison PiercePierce1
So happy this is set up! We are so glad to have the opportunity to help in some way while you are going through this treatment! We love you all!
1 comment
Samantha Smock We love you guys! Thank you SO MUCH ♥️