Hi my name is Crystal Vreeman. I am a wife and a mom to 3 boys. I have a condition call trigeminal neuralgia. I have 3 blood vessels in 3 different parts of my brain that compress against my nerves that cause many different systems. To name a few..... Nubmness in my face, twitching of eyes, pain In my ear, loss of hearing at times and ringing in the ear, loss of speech or words, loss of memory, vertigo, shocking pain from the back side of my head to the front of my face, pain in my jaw and teeth, nubmness in my throat. This pain can last seconds to minutes to days. Over the the last 3 years the pain has become worse and more frequent. I will be having brain surgery September 5th in Seattle in hopes that we can decompress my nerves and I can be pain free! I will be out of work for 8 weeks and in physical therapy after surgery. My husband Josh will be staying home from work to care for me and the boys during my healing time. Thank you to all for all the love and support during this thought time!