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Answered Prayer: Arabella Rose


This page was created to keep family and friends updated on Arabella’s condition and to ask for prayers and support for the many unexpected medical, and travel expenses. FAIR WARNING— This page was written by Aunt Annabelle who likes to add some flair and comedic relief to every situation. 😊 (Check out the Venmo link, gofundme page, and Amazon baby registry mid page) ****************************** Arabella Rose decided to come into the world six weeks early. She's a small little thing. Quite fitting that her name actually means “answered prayer.” Alexi's water broke on February 2 at 33 weeks. At first she was not sure that it was her water but after some convincing she went in to check it out. The doctors confirmed as soon as they saw her that her water had ruptured. They admitted her to stay and were going to try and delay delivery to 2/6/24 because that marked 34 weeks. Well that didn’t happen. Medication helped a little bit but contractions worsened by morning. They rushed her to the operating room and discovered that baby Arabella was not trying to wait any longer and was trying to come out upside down. So one grueling night and a C-section later, out popped baby. Red, squishy, and kinda cute I guess. Smol and naked except the lil pink socks and hat (she was born with those, I swear). Arabella Rose Atkins, who weighs exactly less than five pounds (4.4 pounds) All bundled up, I guess she's about the size of a football, or maybe like a really long shoe. Point is she's small. She's been in the NICU since then. Cozy little place if you like the smell of sanitation and baby's breath (the flower, I mean the flower). So following a two minute wash and a misadventure involving a very protective nurse, we were good to see mommy, daddy, and baby, who was kept in what could be comparable perhaps to a spaceship - like the one they shipped Superman out in. (Sign in to see more updates)


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