On May 29th Vivien was diagnosed to have a VSD (Ventricular septal defect - hole between the bottom two chamber of her heart). She will need open heart surgery to fix and close the hole. Many factors go into place before surgery can be performed. Weight, age and over health. Vivien is a fighter and will soon have a strong and healthy heart. To follow along with more updates, please see our care bridge site.
Special Notes
We ask that you please call or text before stopping over. We will also be attending MANY doctors appointment in the coming month, so family time will be a big priority. We might not want visiting just because we are spending family time together. Please do not get offended if we need to cancel plans or are unable to attend events. This is a very stressfull time for everyone in our family. Please understand we will have good days and not so good days. If you are feeling ill or have been by someone who is ill, please rethink visiting. Please see our calendar for ways you can help.