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Helping Priscilla Recover

Tabernacle, NJ


As you know, my mom, Priscilla, has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. She is one of the most helpful, loving, and supportive people I know. Please consider helping both my parents through this stressful time by sending meals and letting her know you are there through a phone call or a visit. Her surgery takes place on February 26 and any meals that can be made starting on February 29 would be very helpful. My mom is a person who always does for others. I’m hoping everyone will help do for her. Please see special notes regarding meals, phone calls, and visits.

Special Notes

Meals: When my mom is sick she loves to eat soup. My parents are not picky eaters, but prefer meals to be not spicy or highly processed. Please see meal information for more detail. Due to her recovery needs meals should be as healthy as possible. Please note when you select a date to supply dinner on the calendar, that it will give you options of ordering, gift card, or drop off and supply more information on near by places and food recommendations. Phone calls: Please begin phone calls 2 weeks after her surgery. She needs time to adjust. After 2 weeks feel free to call at your leisure. If you would like an update please reach out to me or my dad. Visits: Please wait 4 weeks post surgery to visit her. Schedule a visit on the website. When you select a date to visit on the website it will appear like you are bringing a meal for her. Just put in the notes the time you plan to visit. Note due to her compromised immune system and recovery that you should not visit if you have any sign of illness such as (cough, head ache, congestion, fever, or any other symptoms)that may be indicating illness.

Care Calendar