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Meal Train for Brittany Sloan

Mabelvale, AR


Brittany was involved in a car accident Mother's Day in 2023. She broke her arm and damaged her nerve. She spent all summer with issues back and forth with her injury. Her wound opened up and she was sent to wound care eventually the wound closed. However her arm has been hurting her ever since and she could feel a bone moving she kept telling the Doctor she was initially seeing and he wasn't taking it serious. A few weeks ago she seen another Doctor who did a cat scan turns out her bone is not healed at all her arm is inly held together by the hardware on top of that she has a massive infection and they are surprised after year she had not been severely sick. She is scheduled for surgery on 5/01/24. We wanted to start this meal train to help her during recovery this will be the first surgery she will require at least one more.

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